Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should.

I've been in some discussions lately about how to reach larger audiences for growth.
Ok, yeah, it's not for business, in this case, it's been for my church. But a lot of what I know about business applies here.
There's all this talk and excitement still about digital and social media, which is understandable. Social media still has this wonderful promise of being the great equalizer. Now, those who could not afford to create flashy websites can create and distribute content for free or practically free. Get your message out there! Get on Facebook! Twitter! Pinterest! Blog away! Go mobile! Everyone is CONNECTED!! (Ok, so churches can be a little behind the curve sometimes).

But here's where I want to start flashing the "yellow light". The first step with developing your social media strategy (and YES YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE) is to LISTEN. Just because you have volunteers or people within your organization who know how to post to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc, does not mean you should. Are the people you want to reach even USING Twitter? While half of all adults may own a smartphone or tablet,  they do not all use them the same way. Most use them to consume news, but not all use apps. If you don't know your audience, developing an app that connects nicely with Twitter and Facebook may fall flat and not appeal to some, most, or worse- anyone- that you're trying to reach. On top of that, you'll frustrate and burn out your developers.
Developing a strategy and listening is really not all that hard. Engage! by Brian Solis is an awesome book that will walk you through it, and has some great forms to help you track listening. You can buy it from Amazon here.
So yes, social media is awesome. There are a TON of ways to connect with your audience. That does not mean you should try to use all of the ways to connect. Find the ways that work, the ways that they are already using. Meet your audience where they are- don't try to get them to meet you where you are. With so many options available, if you're not where they expect to find you, they'll just pay attention to who IS there.


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