Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I use a social media tool differently now because of John Cusack.

As many of you know, I love social media. I love the way it can bring people together, the way we can share information about what is important to us, and the way we can make things happen. I think it's fascinating to watch the way marketing is changing because consumers are having more of a voice, and it's becoming more of a conversation.

Another thing I love is that I meet new people and discover new interests. There are all sorts of apps out there to help with that- you know them; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pandora, Last.fm, reddit, Pinterest... the list goes on, and there are new ones every day. All have great uses for their markets, and some try to do more. (some really shouldn't)

I have profiles on a ton of different sites and apps- I lose track of them. It's helpful now that I can log in to many of them with Facebook or Twitter so that I at least don't have to keep track of so many passwords, but that's just convenience for me. How does that help me connect with others really?

Now I do use all of these sites and apps for different purposes. In no way do I want them all to be condensed into one site. I like that they have different places, different profiles (even though mine is much the same on all of them), different reasons for existence. Some I don't even know about, but love once I find them. Like GoBigg.

I believe the intent of this was really for contact points, not profiles- Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn. I took it further and started adding all of my profiles. One reason is for me. I have one place to go to find all of my profiles (yay!). Another reason is so that people can find me.
Ok yeah, I get that I'm not that hard to find. So it's not REALLY about me, it's more about others. Really someone in particular.

John Cusack.  (@johncusack on Twitter)

NO, no, no, not THAT John Cusack. Well, yes, I mean, that WAS him, but I mean this one:

This is the one that Tweets random stuff and makes me laugh and seems like a real guy. This is the one that if I met him one day and he asked me to run away and marry him I'd say "What are you crazy? I don't even know you! But I'd love to have dinner and take it from there!"  I love John Cusack- there's more there than movie lines. He speaks intelligently, he's knowledgeable about world events, he has a sense of humor.

So I find myself thinking things like "I wonder if he posts on reddit? Or comments? If so, what kind of stuff? I bet I could find some new music from him if he has stations on Pandora. I bet if he subscribes to any youTube channels, they're good stuff..." Despite the love comment above, I'm not a stalker, I really just think that when I've seen him in interviews, he's interesting. I think he'd spread interesting stuff around. When your Twitter bio is "Apocalyptic shit disturber and elephant trainer", how could you not really post some interesting and random stuff?

So, on the off chance anyone wondered any of that about me, I put links to my profiles as I remember them on my goBigg profile page, and hope that someday I will find John Cusack's goBigg page with the same :).

So, since I'm pretty sure I'm not exactly using it as it was originally envisioned, my apologies the the people at GoBigg. But I'm kind of guessing that they'll adapt. And for anyone who is interested in what I post on reddit, or my stations on Pandora, or anything else I do publicly online- here's my GoBigg profile:


While you're there, check it out, sign up. It's handy, free, and can clean up a lot of space on your website, online profiles, and business cards. :)

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