Monday, April 30, 2012

I'll take "Lapping Everyone on the Couch" for 5k, Alex

On Saturday, my son Alex and I ran a 5k race together. We did the Hilltop Hustle, because the registration fee went to a good cause, and the course took us on a lovely tour through campus (the KU campus is has really beautiful buildings- if you are ever in Lawrence, stick in your earbuds and stroll around for a while- but you also have to hit downtown... ok that's another post. Or two.).

We had 3 goals in registering for the 5k:

  1. actually show up on race day
  2. finish the race
  3. do this together.

Now, please understand that:
    a- I am not a runner. I bike, and I X-Box Kinnect. (In my defense, Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 is AWESOME)
    b- I am great about signing up for stuff and talking myself out of actually doing it.
    c- Up until very recently I have not taken the time I should have to spend with my kids.

We didn't care if we placed at all, and my son was great all the times I had to walk by reminding me that we were still lapping everyone on the couch. We actually ended up walking and jogging most of the way, had some great conversation, got some fresh air, and finished in just under 45 minutes. We stretched a little, left, and went to Spangles and got celebratory breakfast (his idea), and joked about the fact that "we got up and did 5k before 9am- what did YOU do?". We had accomplished our 3 goals:

  1. Show up- check
  2. finish!- check
  3. do it together!- CHECK! 

BONUS- we had a great time!!! We smiled, we laughed, we celebrated. We fist bumped. We high-fived. He hung his race number on his wall. We have an awesome memory together. Dammit, I forgot to ask someone to take a picture of the two of us at the end of the race, but I don't know that I'll forget it anytime soon.

A little later in the day, I realized that in our rush to get to breakfast, we had not stayed for the awards ceremony. Since Alex is under 12, he at least would have received a finishers medal. I quickly emailed the race organizer to let him know that I'd stop in later in the week to pick it up.

I suddenly felt horrible- like the worst mother in the world. Had I robbed my son of the opportunity to be recognized in front of all of the finishers?
I let Alex know about the award, and told him how sorry I was that we hadn't stayed.
He was quiet for a moment, but not long, then he reminded me.
"Mom, I'm kinda shy."
He's right. He doesn't do so well with public recognition. Once when he was younger someone gave him a very public happy birthday, and it put him in tears. Ok, so I  dodged the bullet on this time. But he didn't stop at reminding me that he's shy.
"Besides. The point was for us to do the race together. And I had a really good time. I want to do it again next year."
Wow, he really did get it. Sniffle. #proudmom.

Last night I got a reply from the race organizer. Alex placed third in his age division. I was so excited for him- I ran in to his room and told him and high-fived him and fist bumped and... he was happy. And said "cool". He was happy, but not as excited as he was that morning when we'd finished the race. To be fair, I did wake him up, and he sleeps very heavily. He did confirm this morning that he placed, and does still think it's cool, but the coolest most exciting part still was that morning.

At first I felt even worse that he hadn't been able to get his 3rd place recognition at the race, that somehow he'd missed out. But now I'm really glad that it worked out the way it did.
We celebrated what was important, and we celebrated together. We lapped everyone on the couch, and he placed in the process.

So that's all I've got for this post. I have no new insights, no new apps, nothing I've discovered online. Just a heartwarming experience I had with my son, and the realization that maybe I've done OK so far as a mom.
Or at least maybe I don't need to start saving for his therapy yet.

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